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More about Me

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I am from Indiana and got my BA in Philosophy from Indiana University; I was drawn to looking at the world differently and contemplating things from different perspectives. From there I went to Miami University and got my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. While the mind intrigued me, the body amazed and astounded me. Down in South FL I met my husband. Upon graduating Tripp proposed and we moved up to the DC area. It was shortly after that move that I got very sick and my health wasn't the same for many years. After a year of pure exhaustion I found out I had Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease. Shortly after this diagnosis it was the Fall of 2012 and the day Super Storm Sandy hit the East coast when Tripp and I got married. Eight months after that Tripp was in the hospital and we found out his appendix had been taken over by a tumor. We missed our trip to the Kentucky Derby so I brought our clothes and dresses up there instead. Soon after, Tripp started his first 18 rounds of chemo.

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These last 9.5 years lead me down a path I never saw coming. I grew up in the Western medical system and was trained in it; however, my own health took me to places I had only heard of because deep down in my bones I knew what the doctors were telling me wasn't true and I knew my life didn't have to be the way it was. I knew I was different after getting sick in 2011 and I knew that meant I could come out of it/be healed. After 8 years of being on the thyroid medicine I was able to wean myself off of it and I haven't needed it since. My healing came from eating for my genetic blueprint, Highspeed Healing, chakra work, repatterning my subconscious thoughts and beliefs, and realigning with my Intuition and working to discern what was true and best for me at any given moment (this is not in invitation to do the exact same and stop taking your subscribed medicines; this is a very general description of what it took for me to heal myself and to show you that healing from "chronic" dis-ease is possible). I went through Mary Morrissey's Dream Builder process and was trained with Debora Wayne in her Highspeed Healing modality that all helped me take my power back and personally empower me in many ways.

My husband's journey was much longer and was my greatest teacher; watching him and how my perspective has shifted is what has truly brought me here to my purpose and knowing I am capable of facilitating great shifts in your life. I have seen first hand how if you want your circumstances to change, you must first change yourself. Your life's experiences are offering you opportunities to weed out all that is not actually working for you and providing you the exact experiences you need to achieve that which you are praying for. It truly is up to you if you choose to stay in your comfort zone or leave for the adventure of the unknown. 

It is with sadness I share of my husband's recent passing. It was fast as he did not pass from the cancer and for that I am grateful. He passed 13 years + 1 day after our first date. Lucky number 13. When I recognized the date my prayer became "May we meet again made new in God's love" and so it was. That evening I was blessed to become an agent for God's goodness and be used to provide a soul healing for Tripp that set him free from the pain he'd carried most of his life. I used the gifts and the tools I offer here and God used me. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to how I will be used in the future to honor my late husband, our journey together, and my future clients. 

When I am not working I enjoy being in nature, reading a good book or going on a walk with my family. I enjoy good company, deep conversations, and joy-filled belly laughs. I have worked to cultivate meaning in every aspect of my life and my relationships are no exception especially the one with myself. This journey with my husband and our kids has done nothing, but bring me back to myself; they have helped guide me Home. So it is in my gratitude for this I wish to serve. It is because of my journey I know I am capable.

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