Open Your Heart to a Higher Expression

Welcome Home to
your Light Within


May this site serve as a portal to the realm of the unseen. Notice not what you think, but attune to the subtle sensations of how you feel.

May your experience here be a reflection of the infinite possibilities that surround you, now and always. May this be an opportunity, even if just for a passing moment, where time and space cease to exist and you just are, present with the Great I AM.


Waysh wer

/way • show • er/ noun.

An individual who authentically illuminates their inner Light; a guide showing the way Home through embodied alignment

Your Greatest Adventure Awaits


8 Week, 1:1 Transformational Spiritual Immersion to Shift Multidimensionally and Illuminate the Life God Called you to Create.


60 minute, 1:1 Intuitively Guided Session to unveil obstacles in the unseen realms, strengthen your spiritual foundation, and learn to sustain your own vibrational shifts.

I’m here to hold you in your highest expression. You’ll be guided into remembering how to fully embrace your Humanity and embody your Divinity to sustain holistic wellbeing. I will lovingly witness and remind you of your own Light as you take leaps and bounds through unseen realms into multidimensional shifts of liberation.

“Everything is Energy, Frequency, and Vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

Meet Your Guide

All is well with my soul.

I trust you’ve found your way here at exactly the moment you were intended to. May your experience in this space aid your shifting timelines, raising your vibrational state, and aligning to a higher expression.

I’m Heather Robbins, a Western Trained Doctor of Physical Therapy, energy healer, and spiritual transformational guide.

I believe it is the frequencies of the invisible energies of thought, action, belief, and emotion that affect our overall wellbeing and it is these same unseen forces that are the key to our healing.

I’m here to guide you through an inner expedition of these invisible energies that transcend into expanded awareness and multidimensional shifts leading you to evolve out of the pain patterns that have kept you stuck.

It’s my honor to be a Wayshower for you along your journey Home.

  • Unexpected & Beautiful

    My journey with Heather was an unexpected and beautiful experience. I went into it thinking that I needed to be fixed from the outside and discovered that I had all I needed to heal myself within. With Heather’s guidance and support I have transformed my life by being able to identify negative self talk, and recognize when I may be feeling physical effects of trapped emotional issues.


  • Deep Gratitude

    To say that I am thankful for Highspeed Healing and Heather is an understatement. The experiences I've had and the things I've learned are life-changing. Investing in yourself with this program will not leave you disappointed.


  • Repatterning Liberation

    There were some relationships I was struggling with and I gained clarity and awareness that has allowed me to trust myself and be true to who I am. Heather also set me up with tools to work through negative thought patterns and past traumas on my own. I was nervous going in but I am so happy I took the plunge! It’s been a game changer!


Expand your Awareness & Open your Heart to a Higher Expression.